Information from PogoAddiction.com

R Rank Rank Name Balls Placed Badge Name
0 Playin Lottso 0 -
1 Flat Broke 500 -
2 Mr. Sparechange 1,500 Mr. Sparechange Badge
3 Thousandaire 3,000 -
4 Working Stiff 5,000 -
5 Ten Thousandaire 7,000 -
6 Average Joe 9,000 -
7 Hundred Thousandaire 11,000 -
8 Game Show Champ 13,000 -
9 Millionaire 15,000 -
10 Independently Wealthy 17,500 -
11 Multi Millionaire 20,000 -
12 Fat Cat 22,500 Fat Cat Badge
13 Hundred Millionaire 25,000 -
14 Super Rich 27,500 -
15 Mega Millionaire 30,000 -
16 Duke of Ducats 33,000 -
17 Billionaire 36,000 -
18 Senator Sawbucks 39,000 -
19 Multi Billionaire 42,000 -
20 Lord Lottsadough 45,000 -
21 Hundred Billionaire 48,000 -
22 Lady Gravyboat 51,000 Lady Gravyboat Badge
23 Mega Billionaire 54,000 -
24 Count Money 57,000 -
25 Trillionaire 60,000 -
26 Princess Priceless 64,000 -
27 Multi Trillionaire 68,000 -
28 Earl of Cash 72,000 -
29 Hundred Trillionaire 76,000 -
30 Admiral Fancypants 80,000 -
31 Mega Trillionaire 85,000 -
32 Baron Von Moneybags 90,000 Baron Von Moneybags Badge
33 Gillionaire 95,000 -
34 Duchess of Stuff 100,000 -
35 Multi Gillionaire 105,000 -
36 Archduke Lucky 110,000 -
37 Hundred Gillionaire 115,000 -
38 Countess M 120,000 -
39 Mega Gillionaire 125,000 -
40 Sheik Moola 130,000 -
41 Zillionaire 135,000 -
42 The King 140,000 The King Badge
43 Multi Zillionaire 145,000 -
44 ATM Transaction Fees 150,000 -
45 Hundred Zillionaire 155,000 -
46 International Corporate Entity 160,000 -
47 Mega Zillionaire 165,000 -
48 Global Economy 170,000 -
49 Super Mega Zillionaire 175,000 -
50 Lottso Player 180,000 Lottso Player Badge
51 Bazillionaire 180,500 -
52 Senor Spendingspree 181,000 -
53 Senorita Splendorita 183,000 -
54 Wealthy Tycoon 185,000 -
55 Multi Bazillionaire 187,000 -
56 Marquis de Millions 189,000 -
57 Viscount von Viscount 191,000 -
58 Inventor of the Rotisserie Oven 194,000 -
59 The Exchequer 197,000 -
60 Six Bazillion Dollar Man 200,000 Six Bazillion Dollar Man Badge
61 Diamond Debutante 200,500 -
62 Sultan of Scratch 201,000 -
63 Cashtavius Ceasar 203,000 -
64 Miss Moneyhoney 205,000 -
65 Mega Bazillionaire 207,000 -
66 Dapper Dollar Dandy 209,000 -
67 Czar of Lottsoviet Republic 211,000 -
68 Femme Fortuna 214,000 -
69 Bling King 217,000 -
70 Infinitaire 220,000 Infinitaire Badge
71 Master of Coin 220,500 -
72 Jack O' Jackpot 221,000 -
73 Illuminati Hottie 223,000 -
74 Seraphim of Spin 225,000 -
75 Infinitaire 1 227,000 -
76 Ball Boy Bandito 229,000 -
77 Heptathlete 231,000 -
78 Swiss Bank Accountant 234,000 -
79 Prime Minister of Payout 237,000 -
80 Greenie Genie 240,000 Greenie Genie
81 Infinitaire Infinitaire 245,000 -
82 Sequined Shareholder 250,000 -
83 Undisputed Champ 255,000 -
84 Don Lottso 260,000 -
85 Sweepstakes Prize Winner 265,000 -
86 Perfect Prefect 270,000 -
87 Mr. Netiquette 275,000 -
88 Miss Fortune 280,000 -
89 Super Team Shepard 285,000 -
90 Cashanova 290,000 Cashanova Badge
91 Number Fairy 291,000 -
92 Emerald City Wizard 293,000 -
93 Intergalactic Investor 296,000 -
94 Prince of Charity 300,000 -
95 Madame Monopoly 305,000 -
96 Dainty Diamond Damsel 311,000 -
97 Belle of the Ball 318,000 -
98 Lottso Legend 326,000 -
99 Ever-Victorious  Entity 335,000 -
100 Centurion 345,678 Centurion Badge

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